Strong schools today mean a stronger Mississippi tomorrow.
What is Raise Mississippi?
Raise Mississippi is a vision for strong public schools in every community across Mississippi to ensure our students today become the skilled workforce of tomorrow and remain lifelong Mississippians.
Together we will realize this vision through the smart funding of our public schools which educate 90% of the state’s children. Smart funding will ensure every public school student has:
- Access to a broad range of in-school support that includes school nurses, librarians, counselors, art and music teachers, and support staff who help every student thrive.
- Classrooms equipped with up-to-date technology, books, and learning materials that prepare students to compete in a global economy.
- Nutritious meals and health services that enhance whole-student wellness.
- Safe, clean, and modern school buildings.
- The best and brightest educators and school staff in every school, all of whom are paid a competitive, living wage.