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Your Rights & Workplace

Protecting your rights and your workplace
Through collective action, we ensure all public school staff have the support they need to join, stay, and thrive in our profession.
Public school educators and public school staff are often told they are heroes. MAE agrees. They are lauded for the work they do shaping young minds and preparing future generations of adults for success. Yet, they are often expected to view their work as a passion, rather than a profession. By raising our strong voices together, we all work to ensure you can succeed in your chosen path of work.

Keeping schools safe during COVID-19

The pandemic is not a single event with a defined beginning and end. We continue to advocate for the resources and precautions necessary for our members and students to be in school safely.

Educators deserve fair pay & benefits

We are steadfast in our belief that there should be no pay discrimination for equal work in any school, and that educators and school support staff should get paid in a way that is commiserate with the important job they do.

Creating inclusive workplaces

MAE honors and supports the full spectrum of humanity, and we fight to ensure that every public school workplace in Mississippi welcomes and reflects the full diversity of the people who teach, work, and learn there.

Educator Voice

No one can ignore us when we speak with a unified voice as public school educators and public school staff. Learn more about our priorities.
Erica Avent is in an orange shirt that says "I'm Living" in multi-color letters. She is wearing hoop earrings and smiling into the camera.
MAE helped me get active in leadership. Throughout my profession, I continued to meet wonderful members and receive support from the association.
Quote by: Erica Avent, Intervention Coordinator
MAE Team

Together we're stronger. Together we're heard.

You belong in the movement! Join today to belong to the movement of educators and school staff fighting for the pay and working conditions we all deserve.

Be a part of Team MAE

Want to be a part of an organization that does more than collect dues? MAE uses our collective power to protect you and support public education.

What's on your mind?

We're here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (lessons, fact sheets, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We're here to support you in any way you need.

Advocating strong public schools for every student and every public school employee

Mississippi Association of Educators (MAE) represents thousands of Mississippians—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.