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MAE News

How Should Districts Use the Historic Funding Won By MAE Members?

We won Historic Funding for our students. Now we need to advocate for how districts use it.
Published: May 11, 2023

Thanks to the collective voice of thousands of educators, the Mississippi Legislature has approved an additional $100 million to fund schools (HB 1613). Based on the 2022-23 student enrollment data provided by the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE), the extra $100 million translates to approximately $227 per student. School Boards and Superintendents decide how to prioritize and spend this additional funding soon.

As educators and school staff, we engage with students and parents every day and it's our responsibility to ensure that this funding is spent effectively to support student success. Now help determine how these funds should be prioritized in your district.

Below, are suggested actions and opportunities for you to participate in this historic opportunity.

What's our message?

The funding provides flexibility to local districts to spend these funds as necessary to support the operations of the school district excluding salary increases for superintendents, assistant superintendents, or principals. This means that your voice matters in these decisions! Here are some examples of how the additional funding can be utilized:

  • More instructional materials for hands-on learning and updated technology for student use.
  • Upkeep and repair of classrooms, schools, and facilities to provide a safe and conducive learning environment.
  • Additional funding for school programs like art and music education, vocational education, and gifted/special education to promote student creativity and skill development.
  • Resources to maintain and purchase school buses and meet other transportation needs, ensuring students can get to and from school safely.
  • High-quality educator recruitment and retention through educator pay and benefits to attract and retain top talent in the education sector.

What can you do to make your voice heard?

Together, we can make sure that this funding is used to create meaningful change for our students and communities by doing the following:

1. Contacting your school board/Superintendent and letting them know educators want to collaborate in these funding decisions

2. Gathering ideas and suggestions from your fellow educators and school staff

3. Sharing information at your worksite and social media

4. Working with your MAE contacts to determine the best steps to advocate around this funding opportunity.

Resouces available to help you make your voice heard

Here are a few resources that you can utilize to ensure that educator and school staff have a seat at the table for these funding discussions:

1. Circulate MAE’s funding story collection guide (This data will be shared with local leaders and stakeholders)

2. Find your local funding allocation based on your student enrollment

3. Send a letter to your School Board Members and Superintendent

4. Use MAE’s overview guide to speak at a school board meeting

5. Send a letter signed by your coworkers to your principal.

6. 10-minute meeting resources

7. Sample Social Media Posts


Advocating strong public schools for every student and every public school employee

Mississippi Association of Educators (MAE) represents thousands of Mississippians—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.